Posted to Sister Zeph’s Journal
By Sister Zeph
On 06 July, 2014
I cannot give time to my family because my schedule is very tough and day by day my work load is increasing, our computer center is going to start from 1st of August officially and I not only have to plan the timing, wood work, electricity work but I will do an online computer course and then will teach it to a girl of my village so that in future she can pass on this skill to our students, I can use computer but of course I need to learn more.
Although I remain busy on Sundays too , but today I planned to make breakfast for my family , I just went to the kitchen, when twin girls of about 6 years came to my home, and said that their mother want to meet me at their home.
I know Asia is very sick; she is this much weak that I cannot look at her; she has so many diseases, she was divorced from her first husband because she was unable to produce children.
Then she got married to another man in my village, who is a drug addicted, he sold the house which was given to him by his parents after their death. He is a criminal type of man. His reputation is not that much good in our village,
And after getting married to this man Asia gave birth to three daughters, so when her first daughter was just 11 he tried to sale her just for a few thousand so that he could buy drugs. But Asia got her married to keep safe from being sold to many men, even after her marriage father tried to bring her back to home and tried to sale her, but then Asia asked to the husband of the girl to never send her to father’s home and never allowed her to meet her father, or he will bring her to a far place and will sale her.
Today when those girls came to my home and told that she wants to meet me, first I thought I will not go, but then I thought I must have to go, maybe she is unable to walk, maybe she is near to die, maybe she needs to eat anything, may be she needs medicine, maybe she want to tell me something to secure her daughters all these thoughts came into my mind.
When I told my mother she said you go right now, just imagine you are the only one whom she trusts and she thinks you must come. My mother said I will make breakfast you just go and support her. Even if you will not be able to give her financial help, at least you can give her a moral support so that she will not feel alone.
So I immediately went for her home , in just a few minutes I was there , this was not home this was a broken room , on the garbage, this land of piece was full of garbage and of dirty water and dirt , she does not have kitchen, yard, toilet or running water, when I entered to that room it was full of bad smell, I was unable to breath but I did not cover my face to breath properly and to avoid the bad smell for I did not want to make her feel that I was not comfortable at her home .there were only two carts and some pots in her home I sat there for ten minutes and during all this time I was taking half breath just to remain alive.
I cannot imagine how she lives there. I knew she was very sick but today I came to know one more thing which was very horrible, her one leg has got paralyzed, she does not know its reason, she told me that her six years old daughters put everything in front of the stove and she reaches there by doing crawling. And then she cooks food for them.
Then I came to know that why she called me to come to her home and why she did not come herself. She requested me to bring her to the Doctor and arrange for her operation. I was helpless at that time because it is just her trust in me otherwise I have nothing to do for her, I am her only hope and at this stage I have no hope for her.
It was impossible for me to say No, I did not want her to lose hope at all, I want her to be alive, for her daughters, for their safety, those girls are my students, but I can teach them until their mother is alive. I do not have many sources, I do not have much money, I have no idea how to help her. I do not understand why some people in the world are this much helpless and why those who have everything do not look at them? Why our rich people are running for their unlimited dreams every time and why they do not look at that misery which is being faced by the human being who live in our surroundings.